All my pressies are here!!!

I have to say, Santa was very good to me, a little late but worth it! First off I got a brand new camera! My canon has been wonderful to me but I took it to the beach when I was in Europe and I think it got some fine grains of sand in there so the focus comes and goes and as often as I use a camera, I don't like that. That's the reason there is not a picture of me with Liz Carlyle, it was out of focus (not bitter or anything). I did look into getting a new camera for myself but honestly, I couldn't justify spending the money. I mean, my camera works for the most part. So I was totally excited to get a brand new camera with more megapixels and thinner then my last camera.Tonight's post was going to be an ode to my new camera featuring new pictures of me (of course) but I have a little bit of a headache tonight so now you have something to look forward to. I do after all, need new blog pictures.

My other big gift, besides my cool new all clad pan (it was so pretty I wanted to display it, then I used it, not so pretty, LOL) is my first Coach purse! Yes, I am the official owner of a Coach. Nes laughed when I told her and she said if everyone jumped off of the cliff would I do that too, I said no, LOL. But I did have a gift card and I wanted to use it on something that I wanted but would not spend on myself. Of course, I'm already looking at another one that I want, LOL. When Dao and I were looking at the purses she pointed out another purse I liked would be the perfect spring purse, I explained to her that if the purse cost this much money then it won't be seasonal. It would be a 365 day a year purse! Luckily, my new camera fits perfecty.

Alrght, I'm going to go to bed early and read. I think the reason my head hurts is because my nap was interupted by Nes, LOL. I need sleep.
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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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8 Mannions Speak :

Aimee Elizabeth said...

Leiha! omg! That Coach ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
I want one!

When the kid & I went Christmas shopping, I had to make her promise to keep me out of Nordstroms, or else nobody would be getting anything from me LMAO! I can NOT resist Coach, I know there are better and more expensive bags to be had, but I love me the Coach bestest so far!
My biggest regret is that I didn't buy the cammo Coach Lina and I saw in Seattle, I SO hate myself for not buying it! Damn it anyway!

Love the camera too chic! Looks like Santa was VERY good to you this year!

And I was pretty sure you were naughty too...... I'll try that for next year *EG*

Sorry your head hurts chica :(

Anonymous said...

I'm a shoes and purse girl too, but I haven't taken the plunge with a Coach yet. I guess I would rather have more funky ones than one expensive one. I'm waiting for Tim to fix my cigar purse. Grrrr!

Hope your head is better.

Can't wait for the pics. Bring 'em on.

Leiha said...

Girl, you have so many Coach purses I can't keep track! But now that you mention it, I totally rememeber your brown one, I almost bught that bu decided the black was more versatile for me. What? You need a new pic of me for your home? I can accomodate, LOL.

I don't remember seeing a cammo Coch purse Aimee while I was looking but it totally sounds like you. I think it's time to plant a seed in the DHs ear, LOL.

Who says I was naughty? There's no proof, EG!

Karen, I love your purses. I remember you and Lina having the coolest ones. Yes, Tm best fix your cigar purse!

Jennifer said...

Love that purse! The past coupla years coach has been doing the fabric and leather combo, which I was never too crazy about. My little sis gave me one a year ago in a patchwork pattern, and promptly took it back when she found out I prefer the all leather variety. I'd never look a gift horse in the mouth but I finally got the hint after about the 10th time she told me the (pitiful) story about the day she had to wrap it up and give it to me. "Lucky" for me she took the fabric one off my hands and let me pick out one I liked. LOL At least that's the story she's feeding her hubs.

That camera is way cool! Jerry has the complicated "I'm a photographer" Nikon, but he gifted me with the coolpix p4...easy point and shoot! I can't wait to see your pics and I hope your headache's better today.

BTW, Karen and I are making plans to get together on the 12th!

Nes said...

I love the purse chick! It's sweet! But I still won't buy a purse that will cost me more than 30 euros. Don't get me wrong, I love purses and shoes as much as anyone else, but I'd rather spend my ping-ping at gadgets. Like the cam ! I'd spend money on that! Nice prezzie from your fam! Can't wait to see new pics!

Hey Karen and Jen! How awesome is that? I'm sure you gals are going to have a blast! Jen, you will of course blog about it right? :D

I think your head hurts because you nap too much! Heh!

Rosie said...

First, sorry about the headache. That sucks, especially when you need to be playing with your new toy and sharing piccies with us. The new camera is too cool. I love the thinner models. But, of course, my favorite is the COACH!!! Wow, that is such a darling purse. I love coach and would by many more if I could!!!

Melissa said...

Great prezzies Leiha! Let me know how you like the camera, I'm in the market for a new one...oh wait, I forgot, no I'm not.
Oh well, hope it's a good one and takes good pics for you (and OF you, LOL).

I wanted to ask, have you heard of/been to Discover Mills mall yet?
It's in Lawrenceville (where ever that is), been open a couple of years but I haven't made it over there yet. They just opened a Midevil Times dinner show place we are wanting to go to.

Leiha said...

LOL, I hadn't thought about the fabric/leather issue. I don't think I mind that, wt I do mind is most of the purses have their logo all over it, that I can do without. My sister loves all the logos, then again, she's 23, LOL.

I'm a point and shoot girl myself. I do love th pictures the fancy cams take but for my purposes (self portraits) a point and shoot is perfect!

I can't wait to hear all about your visit with Karen. You two will have so much fun! I want pictures!

I think my new glasses are too tight, it took me 3 hours to get to sleep last night. I think next time I'll take some advil, LOL. I can't complain about the cost of the purse when I spent that money on moisturizer, LOL. The purse will last longer (but my skin is looking fab!).

Rosie, maybe you need to let your bosses know that you want a new Coach purse as your gift from them, LOL.

I have no idea where Lawrenceville is, let alone the mall. I have been to Lennox, Phipps, Perimeter and the Mall of Georgia. I have to say there are a lot of malls around here!

I have heard Medeival times was fun but the food has much to be desired. I bet the boys will have a blast as will you.