Goat cheese gouda...

Jan Kees and Nes had a great laugh when I told them I enjoyed goat cheese gouda. Gouda is a Dutch cheese and there is no such thing. Well, I told them there may not be such a thing in the Netherlands but in America there is, LOL. Dao and I finally made it to Trader Joe's last week and you know I had my camera.
I took a pic of the back where it actually says goat and gouda, LOL. It's a great cheese in case any of you are interested.

Of course, Dao and I also ate while we were out and about. We tried an all u can eat sushi place. We won't be going back, LOL. Yes, I know you're not going to get great sushi at places like this but if it was good sushi I would have been happy. What I did enjoy was dessert. We had crepes. I asked for pineapple, strawberry, peaches and whipped cream in mine. He laughed when I said peaches. I don't know why but he thought it was hilarious I wanted peaches in my crepe so I made him throw it out and make it with just the other items, LOL. I added the chocolate sauce to make it look prettier. I think dessert crepes are much better then the ones with meat and cheese in them. It's the whipped cream that sways me. The Paris hotel and casino in Vegas has a creperie which I enjoy but I must say my favorite thing at the Paris hotel is the apricot turnovers, as you can see, I'm planning on what I'm going to eat when I go there, LOL.
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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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5 Mannions Speak :

Aimee Elizabeth said...

That crepe looks totally delish!

I'm not "cheese educated", the most odd cheese I've had (and I love) is dill havarti, it's super yummy.

I'm doing atkins for the next 2 months so I can totally pig out in Jersey LOL! I know you & Lina will have some ideas where to get some ultra-good eats!

Nes said...

Gads, tourist cheese. It's from Henri Willig as well and their factory is only about a half hour drive from here. They make great cheese, but I never thought they made Goat Gouda cheese... of course for export and tourists. LOL!

The crêpe looks good! So why did you throw out the peaches? Just because he laughed?

I'm gonna totally pig out when I'm there! I can't wait!! LOL!

Chez said...

Yummm that crepe looks delicious.

LOL at Nes, I don't care I'd eat tourist cheese if it tasted great. Well, unless it was that blue stuff that stinks and really, let's face it you are eating some serious mould there.

Leiha said...

The crepe was totally yummie. We'll have to go get one at the Paris hotel. Dill havarti is yummie. I love me the cheese! Yeah, it's back to the gym for me this week. I want to make an oinker of myself on vacation!

Hey, I don't care if it's tourist cheese or not, it's goat cheese gouda! Make sure you show the pic to JK, LOL. I will accept both of your apologies now. I don't see it in your post.

I totally threw it out because he laughd, LOL. My only guess is the peaches were canned whereas everything else was fresh.

Chez, I love blue cheese! When I buy it I look for the one with the most mold and hey, at least I don't have to worry about it going bad, LOL.

Rosie said...

I'm with you on the cheese. I love pretty much all of them. Now that crepe looks good, but the sound of an apricot turnover just sounds better. To the Paris we go!! I've never had their crepes either. Mmm, this is going to be a fat vacation. LOL