Greetings from Sarasota, FL.

I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. Of course, I lie, LOL. I woke up early and laid in bed trying to go back to sleep so when it was time for me to get up I was groggier then I normally am, always a great way to start a road trip, LOL. It also means I got off to a later start then planned. By the time I finished packing (nothing like waiting til the last minute) and running to Target I didn't get on the road til close to 11am. I was hoping to be on the road by 10, but oh well. No worries about any rush hour traffic, LOL.

Here's a pic of me just before I leave the home. First order of business was to get my ipod set up for the road trip but then I put on lipstick then I took this picture, LOL. If Su was here she could have taken a picture of the car too but since she wasn't I decided it was more important to have me in the picture then the Porche, LOL. If it was a bright sunny day maybe I would have taken a pic of the vehicle but since it was not, well, at least you have me:) I am sure I can get Karen to take my picture in her car, LOL.

Driving in the city was a little stressful for me. Other drivers were being dicks. I guess they want to try and get me to gun the engine and show off the power, well, they are dealing with the wrong person. I already know I have balls just not when it comes to driving, LOL. Once I got out of Atlanta I was able to relax and drive a little more comfortably. I even took one hand off of the wheel, I know, I'm crazy like that!

I felt bad for Karen's car, it was getting passed by moving trucks and buicks. It will never be the same again! I spent the majority of my time on the road in the middle lane unless I was passing. I think the highest speed I reached was 88mph. I was passing a car at the time. I think I averaged about 72 mph. Hey, if there's a ticket to be given out it would be to me and I have vacations to pay for, LOL.

Here are some things I notice about driving a porche, there cool red seatbelts (I will have to take a pic and show), the ignition is on the left side, it is an automatic and a manual (Karen says I could really open her up in manual, I'll pass, thank you) and the windshield wipers come on automatically (prolly the coolest feature). It took me 4 hours of driving before I finally found the cup holder. I can't believe I almost forgot the seat warmers. My tush was incredibly warm during the trip, I loved that. But here is where my Hyundai tops the Porche. I have an armrest! On a road trip they come in handy.

It was a horrible day to travel, grey and dingy but it got really bad when it started to rain in the afternoon. At some points the rain was so heavy it was like a bucket was being poured on top of me. I remember looking at this car in my rearview mirror and noticed their lights weren't on, in this kind of rain it's only common courtesy to the other drivers to have them on. You know I'm big on being courteous to your fellow drivers. That's why I was mortified when at 7pm I noticed how dark it was in front of me. All day long I thought I had my lights on but turns out I only had my dashboard lights on. When I turned the nob once more the lights looked so bright that I thought they were my high beams. I was freaking out so I got over at the next exit and called Karen. Turns out her headlights re incredbily powerful and what I thought were her highbeams were her regular headlights. I was totally embarrassed that I had to call Karen to find out how to turn on her lights and I think I scared her a little. But look at the bright side, I'm such a cautious driver I'm aware of the other cars around me, even if they couldn't see me although I must say, having my lights on definitely helped the visibility factor, LOL.

I drove about half of my trip today. I really planned on going further but the rain was horrible. I figure I'll get an earlier start tomorrow and if it's raining at least it will be daytime. Here is the journey I made today:

Julie Garwood's Slow Burn has been keeping me company on the ride. I don't read her contemps because they aren't as romancy as I like but I have to say, it's perfect for a road trip. The bummer thing is I forgot my earpiece so I can't listen to my nano on the way home (I'm flying), good thing I also brought two books, a girl has to be prepared!
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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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7 Mannions Speak :

Aimee Elizabeth said...

You should never begin a blog with a lie LMAO!

I'm glad you made it there ok chic, and WOW! You went 88mph in that thing? *rolls eyes*
To tell the truth that is probably the reason Karen lets you drive it.
PICS OF THE CAR!!!!!!!! *G*
Check in tomorrow girl,


Chez said...

Waahoooo it's roadtrip time. In a Porsche. Lady you should be able to pull NO WORRIES. Expect to hear about all the blokes who come to ogle the Porsche and then stay for the boobage ;)

You know I would be the same driving a hot car ... two hands firmly planted on the wheel and sticking in the slow lane. I'm a complete wuss driver.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you made good progress even in the rain. I hate driving in rain too. Give me a snowstorm any day! Good luck with the rest of the trip.

Nes said...

Your daredevilness is starting to worry me! 88mph! Wow!! One hand on the wheel! Damn!! LOLOL!! 88 is usual speed limit if I'm on the highway. See here, 75 is max. speed limit, but everyone drives aroudn 77 or 88. Germany is more fun!! There you can really fly.

Chick! Open her up full power! Feel the engine roar and use the stick damnit! That's how you drive a real car!! LOLOL!!!

Seriously though, knowing how you drive, I think it's ballsy of you to drive the Porsche all the way to Florida and I'm glad to hear you got there safe and sound.

Can't wait to see pics of the car.

Take care now and what Aims said; check in tomorrow/today.


Rosie said...

Wow, 88 mph? That's amazing for a granny driver. LMAO. Of course, I can just see you dropping your speed immediately. I'm like that too when I drive. Go fast to pass and then get a hold of myself and slow down. Glad you made it safe and sound even though it's only halfway. Better to be safe! Stay safe on the road and please do check in!!! MWAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Gennita said...

Hey girlfriend, sorry you aren't driving down the east coast so my Lexus and your Porsche can make lurv while we party ;-).

Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're being safe :)

P.S. I drive a Hyundai too :)