La Bare's

You know we had to check it out. There was a male strip club in Dallas and since we didn't really have a lot of plans after the RITAs we decided to check it out. Unfortunately, most of the authors had to leave early so they couldn't join us. Or maybe they didn't want to, LOL. But Su and I are troopers and took one for the team *EG*.

I really liked La Bare's. It had a wonderful energy and lots of hot men, lots of big beefy men. Unfortunately, we're not supposed to take pics of the dancers. You have to pay for that privilidge at the end of the night, whatever! But we could take pics of each other so we tried to get a few dancers included. We weren't very succesful, LOL.
Alex says he was one of the co-owners but Su thinks he was the manager. He used to be a dancer. The good thing about him was he gave us a free shot, score! Plus, Su had told Barb we would do a shot for her. I know, we're great friends, LOL.

We also had a wonderful waiter. He's how Perry used to be before he took us for granted. Very attentive and brought us water. Too bad I spilled my water when I was getting body shot and then I spilled my water when I was tipping someone but I don't feel too bad, the waiter spilled a drink, which is way more of a party foul, LOL.

They had one main stage which would have a routine going on or a featured dancer and then have several smaller stages where guys were dancing. I had fun tipping them. You know me, tight with my 20s free with my ones LOL. The major bummer was they closed at 2am and we didn't get there til almost midnight so by the time I was ready for a dance they were closing. Oh well, I guess I will console myself with Swinging Dicks LOL.

I don't know if you all know it but I love Kimberly Dean's book Tiger Lily. It was a black lace novel. I sort of stalked her last year because it was such a treat to see someone who's book I loved and she endulged me wonderfully and didn't run or call security (although I'm sure she wanted to, LOL). I asked her when she was guest blogging if she was going to be at RWA and she was, yay! So I packed up my copy of Tiger Lily even though it was falling apart. I felt it would show her how well loved and well read it was. Unfortunately I didn't see her while I was there so I sent her an email because I wanted her to know I looked and she was so sweet and said she looked for me too (the short crazy asian). There are thousands of people there it's understandable why she didn't see me. Since she didn''t get to sign my copy of Tiger Lily she offered to send me her last decent copy of it SIGNED! Sqeeeeeeeal! This is why I love our authors so much. They love their fans. Tiger Lily and Fever are my favorite stories by Kimberly, hot, hot, hot. If you get a chance check out her website. It's ok, you're allowed to be jealous of me. If I wasn't me, I would be jealous too, EG!
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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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9 Mannions Speak :

Chez said...

LOL I see you made the trip even more memorable with some bare naked men. Nothing like a good follow up.

Aimee Elizabeth said...

Leave it to Leiha & Su to find a male strip club if there is one to be found LOL!

Glad you girls had such a good time!

Bo said...

What,no pics of the dancers? Hmph! For peeps like me that will prolly never go,I rely on you for those,LOL.

As for being jealous,well,some of us have been trying to get over that for,let's see,about a year now? *G* It's a good thing we love you and you take care of us,EG!

NancyB said...

OK - I am jealous of you, You get to meet great authors like Kimberly Dean - It would have been an honor for her to see how well loved your book is (and thanks for loaning it to me!) I think I might know why she didnt "run into you" at RWA -- because she was busy running the other way when she saw her number one stalker coming down the hall LOL.

Seriously - Her books are HOT and a great read... if Leiha wont share her signed copy (and my guess is it wont leave her house) be sure to pick up a copy, you wont be sorry.

Sarah said...


BTW have you read Going Deep (Black Lace) by Kimberly Dean??? Is it good, it looks kinda cool...

Leiha said...

Well, we always need a cherry on top Chez, LOL.

Hey, we weren't the first ones to find this club. I DO believe Barb is the one who had been there first. Yes, I'm pointing the finger *G*.

I know, how rude of them! They're in the background of some of those pics but not very much of them. Sorry. I do feel the love of my Mannions and thak goodnes I bribe you all, LOL..

LOL, she could have been the dark haired woman who kept turning around whenever I got near *G*. Maybe I shouldn't have told her I was coming. Actually she was very sweet last year. I was bummed because our pic didn't turn out so I wanted to take another one (so she could frame it, LOL) but there is always San Fran!

Sarah, of course I read Going Deep! There are some hot fun scenes in that book. I think I prefer Tiger Lily better because of the premise. Loving your boss but thinking you're not good enough and when they get together, combustion! But then again, hot football players has it's own appeal, LOL.

Sarah said...

Aww, you know and the footballers...

Anonymous said...

You met Kimberly Dean?!! OMIGOD, you know how I love Tiger Lily! If I was brave enuf to get a tattoo it would be a tiger lily! I have read and re-read parts of that book so many times that my copy is completely dog earred and has pages falling out, too. The first time I read this I had to stop, literally stop and take a few calming breathes as this book was just too HAWT to handle and the scenes were out of my darkest fantasies...PHEW!! If you have further contact with Kimberly do advise her that you are not her biggest fan--but that I AM! LOL
But truly, how fun for you to meet her and I bet she was tickled that you probably know every scene from TL by heart!

Hey, that strip club looked vera nice, vera nice indeed--but no piccys allowed? Grrrrrr.

You and Su looked fabulous, BTW!!

Leiha said...

Hey chick! Unfortunately I don't have a pic of me and Kimberly but that will be rectified soon, LOL. How appropriate I discuss Tiger Lily on the same post as a strip club, LOL.