I have had it since the first day, July 21, but with my Mom needing me, all of my driving (I will save the Road Rage Rant for the next post) and then being so tired I've only gotten half way through! And no other reading at all! It's really been a travesty and I can feel the stress building up! I have tried for a week to make time to read and have been thwarted every time (or fallen asleep)! But miracles do happen and I have not had anyone tell me a "Spoiler" that will ruin it for me! Also why I am home planning to finish it after this blog!
Now I may not be your typical reader of Harry Potter, but I have read every one and immensely enjoyed seeing where JK Rowling was taking her story! It started out that my sister-in-law had got the book for my nieces and then I had heard so much about it, so I got it. Now we both were anxiously awaiting the end! My niece Amber did catch up and told me that she finished it already! Yet another reason to read before I see her on Tues.!
So what do the mannions think about "Spoilers"? Do you want to know? Do you read the last chapters first? Do you want to find out all on your own? Are you OK with knowing the ending before you get there? Does it factor in to your enjoyment? Also do like a series to have a definitive ending or leave it open for more?
I am in the camp where I want to find out as I go along! I love to guess what happens next (especially with Thrillers) and have NEVER READ THE END FIRST! I also have never not finished a book....Even a bad one! Just a little quirk I have! I also need to read the book first before I see a Movie adaptation of a book! That way i compare and the books are definitely winning, though there have been some exceptions - Lord of the Rings Trilogy, etc. I also like that she has a definite end!!!
With the Internet, 24 hr. TV, Entertainment shows and so on - Can there be any surprises left? I want to think so! I believe the authors strive for that and I think JK Rowling deserves that! Don't get me started on whoever took pictures of every page and leaked it to the internet. I hope they find them and prosecute them!!!!
And for those who have finished The Deathly Hallows - I will not be online until I've read it so if you were tempted to reply with a "spoiler" It will not matter! LOL
Have a great Sunday!
8 Mannions Speak :
Hope you enjoy it at much as I did!!!
I adore spoilers (unless I don't feel like them). Have been known to read the end of a book (sometimes skimming pages all the way to the end). Used to always finish a book until I decided I had suffered through too many crappy books that annoyed me and now I have given myself permission to leave a book if it sucks.
I have almost always finished all books. There were only one or two that I simply couldn't read because they were excruciatingly bad. (Not naming names!)
I finished Harry on Friday because I refused to put down the book I was currently reading at the time until I finished it.
I don't like spoilers. The journey is a gift to me from the author & I'm selfish with it.
It's mine. All mine!
My top five autobuys (you know there's more than 5!) are: Karen, Janet, Charlaine, Emma & Katie.
Charlaine's Sookie Stackhouse movie is supposed so come out in January on HBO. I can't wait! Squeeeee!!!!
I hate spoilers, which is why I finished HP on Sunday the 2nd. I was certain that someone would mess it up for me if I didn't finish it right away. That being said, there weren't as many surprises as I thought. But I still LOVED the book and the series. I also like the end of the series to be THE END! I don't want questions left unanswered. If it's potentially not the end of the series then don't say it is the end. I like things finished.
I have never skipped to the end of a book unless it was a crappy book that I just wanted to know the end but couldn't tolerate actually reading it. I have also completely stopped reading crappy books. I actually have 2 sitting on my desk now that I think suck and they will be heading to the used book store on my next visit.
Can't wait to hear what you think of the HP ending.
I usually don't mind spoilers,but it depends on the author for me.There's been a few books that I've gotten almost to the end and then had to skip ahead,just because I got so anxious about a hunch I had that I couldn't stand waiting anymore,LOL.I've also skipped ahead on lousy books,just to see if they get any better.Now I give a book 100 pages to keep me interested enough to read to the end.That did backfire on me once,though-it was a fabulous book until about 160 pages,then it just started going downhill very fast,almost like someone else had written from page 160 on.I tried to struggle through it but couldn't.
The last book of a series should be definitive and absolute.I am getting a bit tired of waiting on a couple of mine,but then the next volume comes out and grabs me all over again.I like for an author to tidy up the little details,too,not just the 'sore thumb',obvious points.Otherwise it sucks,b/c I just sit and think about that stuff for a long time afterward.
I also think it's much better to read the book first,then see the movie.I've tried to read a few books where I had seen the movie first,and was always disappointed,since the books seem much more detailed and therefore make the movie seem kind of crappy to me in comparison.To me,it's forgivable if they omit some of the tiny things in the movie version,as long as the characters & main events stay pretty true to the book.Book first is always better for me.For that reason,I'll probably never read HP myself,since I've seen the first two movies already.
Hope you get time to finish Linda!
I am a spoiler slut! Bring it on, LOL. Knowing the ending doesn't ruin the journey for me. Now I don't normallu read the end but I will if I'm dying to know if I'm right about something or if I want to go to sleep but can't stay up very much longer but still want to know the end or if the book sucks and I don't want to read the middle, LOL. I honestly don't peek as often as it sounds.
I also won't finish a book if it sucks. There are too many other books I want to read.
Bo, I prefer the movie first then the book because the book will always be better. I can enjoy the movie for what it is and then enhance it with the book.
Well, I finished it! Hurray! And then I watched the Meredith Viera interview with JK Rowling.
I loved the book! I'm glad that she wrapped up a lot of the details! And I'm soooo glad that I did not know the end! Some books it does not matter, but this one was important!
Bo, even if you see the movies, you still have time to read the books!
Chez, I will try to be like you, Brenda, Sara, Bo & Leiha and if it is a "bad" book, then just put it away.....NOT! LOL, I can try, but just not me!
Nes? I know you have a copy? What did you think?
I'm a total spoiler whore! I love them in every way I can get them. And, really, I can thank Leiha for pointing me in the right direction for a lot of my TV spoiler websites. I don't mind spoilers in books either. In fact, the Sunday after the new HP came out, I totally scoured the internet for the deaths/end scenes and happily found them. I actually started the HP series all over again so that it's all fresh when I read the last one.
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