Sherrilyn Kenyon booksigning

Last week Debbie and I went to Sherri's signing for Acheron. I planned on meeting Debbie there since she had to work in the morning and I wanted to stay and chit chat (shocking, I know, LOL). I wrote down the directions quickly before I left. I normally write down the phone number of where I'm going to but I didn't this time. You can see where this is going can't you?

Once I get in the car I notice that my phone is dying. I call Nancy who is between jobs to see if I could meet her to get my car charger which was in her car from our drive to Portland last week. She didn't get my message until after I passed where she was. I was cruising along and about 5 miles from my exit when I see a sign about an accident, right where my exit was. Debbie calls me to find out where I am. I let her know I'm stuck but I'll be there soon. It took me about 40 minutes to get to my exit. I'm doing ok time wise since I planned to get there early. I was shooting for 5:30pm but now it was a quarter after 6. Oh well, Debbie was grabbing my number for me so no worries. I get off and follow the roads. I lived in Everett for 4 year about 10 years ago. I barely can get around Everett and this was not in Everett, I was in Renton.

I was in a residential area and as I was driving I was driving more into homes, I was totally lost! I called Debbie and her phone went to voicemail. I called information to get the number for Borders in Renton but there is no Borders in Renton ruh roh. I asked for the Borders in Everett so I could talk to Nancy when my phone died!

I stopped at a gas station and got gas while trying to find the Borders (I like to multi-task my stops). The attendant didn't know the area so he was no help and they didn't have a phone book so I asked this guy pumping his gas. He told me about the Borders in Southcenter. Well it couldn't hurt to go there. Another 20 minutes on the freeway and several wrong turns (I swear, every time I should go right I went left and vice versa) I made it to the store and the parking lot was empty. Turns out they changed locations. Thank goodness the other one was close but crap, this is becoming a comedy of errors. Of course the store had moved, LOL.

I find parking (it's now at the mall) and rush in, dang I should have wore flip flops. They have no idea about any signing. They tried the Borders website but couldn't find the info so they started calling around. They were so helpful. They found the signing in the Redmond store. D'oh! Renton/Redmond, they sound so alike, LOL. They give me directions but luckily another worker came over cause the chick had me going in the wrong direction on the freeway, like I needed another wrong turn.

It was 7:30 at this point. They were worried cause the signing started at 6:30 but I told them, this is Sherri, that signing is still going on, LOL. This is when I started playing the soundtrack from Hairspray. You can't listen to that and be in a bad mood. I had to listen to a couple of songs to calm down but it did the trick, thank goodness because the directions were given under the assumption that I knew were the Redmond Town Center was! There was no sign for it on the road I had to turn into it. Yes, a few more wrong turns there but finally, 8:15 I made it to the signing!

Debbie was # 97 and they were on #30 or something so she was still there, LOL. I rushed to buy my 4 books (weight training for the day, or it would have been if I hadn't set them on the floor the whole wait, LOL). Dianna saw me thru a sea of people while I was at the register so she starts calling my name on the mic LOL. I told her to call #110 since that was my # LOL. Which she did later but it wasn't rigged, if it was, I would have won a t-shirt, LOL. I won a button and a bookplate.

Debbie and I sat and chatted while waiting for our turn to get our books signed and Dianna would come over and chat when she could. She was telling me about the adventures of the signing in Nashville. I don't know how Sherri's hand stays attached she signs so many books LOL.

Dianna was telling some stories about me to the crowd but I was talking to Sherri when she was doing it so I'm not sure what she was saying, LOL. Unfortunately, I'm sure I couldn't deny anything she said. Sherri was telling me about the eye candy at her Literacy signing in RWA, I told her I was disappointed there was no candy here and Dianna needed to show some cleavage, LOL.

I did talk to Sherri about RBL and that was before I read the acknowledgments in Acheron. I love the fact she mentions she was at RBL before she had her board.

Dianna was telling people about me being the queen of self portraits so of course, I had to display my talent LOL. And since I had handed the camera to Dianna to take the pic of Sherri and I she took a pic of my shoes, the ones I chose instead of my flip flops, LOL. The evening wouldn't be complete without a pic of Debbie and I. Thank goodness she was there! It's great to have a friend to keep you company. Sure, I could and did talk to those of us around us but it was nice to sit there and just chatter away with Debbie.
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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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6 Mannions Speak :

Lin said...

You do like to add that little extra drama to your trips out, just to add to the fun LOL
Glad it was worth all the effort to get there in the end!

The shoes look fab anf was a good call, want to be able to be seen when your name gets called out!

Bo said...

I am LMAO@ all the wrong turns even though you already told me about it.This is too funny,b/c I got lost on the way to the Vegas signing,had to call & wake hubby up to get me directions online.For some reason I end up going towards the Boulder highway everytime I go to a signing there,LOL.I finally ended up telling him to get me there from Sahara,I had to stay by Palace,since that is one place I am familiar with *G*

They had to cancel the discussion/Q&A session b/c there were so many people in Vegas.I did say hi to Dianna for you,she grinned when I mentioned you saying she was telling stories.I love her,she's so fun.

That's great you had Debbie to keep you company.It's always nice to have another RBL with you.Chris was telling the ppl behind us how I get 'squicked out' at erotica & such.What can I say,it's true,LOL.Everyone remembered us as the two prego ladies from last year.

Now,how was the white trash party?
I hope you weren't so busy stuffing your face with,what was it, PB & marshmallow fluff and/or bologna sammies to take pics!?! *G*

Chez said...

Ooooh lucky you got to go to a signing, but maybe not for the inadvertant tour of the area.

I loved Acheron, just because FINALLY!!!! we got to read his story. It was tough to read though she really put him through the wringer.

Su-hura (Toast on the Side) said...

Girl, I'm soooo jealous!!! :)

Glad you finally made it to the signing after all the detours. You powered through!!

I love the Hairspray soundtrack. When I saw it in the theater, the gals in front of me started to dance, and I was right there with them!

Brenda said...

Your feet look fabulous, of course. Good pedi, chick. I envy you your cute-as-hell toes.
I love Dianna; she took me under her wing at my first Magnolia conference, even before she was published. BTW: her husband teaches safe (authorized by the State Patrol) motorcycle courses if you're interested. I can totally see you riding a HOG. Maybe....not!
Sherri looks hot, doesn't she?
I accidently ordered her Acheron book on cd instead of the real book. The audio book has 19 freaking c.d.'s!!!!!!!! I'm sending that puppy back for the real thing.
As for your wrong turns...don't we all seem to have days like that? It reminds me of the first Karen Marie Moning book signing that I went to when all the roads were closed. Remember when the power lines were down and traffic was backed up for miles in Gainesville Georgia??? Poor Karen; she probably had a million people that couldn't get there (all that traffic) due to that snarl, but there was still a huge crowd.
Hugs & Kisses,


Leiha said...

Heaven forbid I get to the signing early, LOL. I do love those shoes but they have fur on the bottom which because of the heal they chafe when walking any length of time. So while they're comf they can't be used to walking, LOL.

Thank goodness for cell phones! Or rather, thank goodness for charged cell phones, LOL. I'm glad that your hubby got you there. I'm so happy that you and Chris had such a great time. I forgot that you both were preggos last time around, too funny, LOL. I love Dianna, she's a spitfire.

I agree Chrz, definitely a tough read but I'm happy he got his HEA. He certainly deserves it!

I wish I would have seen Hairspray in the theater, I would have loved to dance with the girls and totally picture you doing that. There were girls dancing to mama mia but they weren't near me and the people I was with were not that exuberant, LOL.

Hey Brenda! Good thing I recently had a pedi otherwise no pics of my feet, LOL. I know Dianna and Karl love to ride their bikes, I'm too chicken. I need someone to cling to who has 6 pack abs and no wife. That would motivate me to get on one LOL.

OMG, you'd be listening to his story for a month with the CDs, LOL. I'm glad you can send it back.

I forgot about that signing. Guess I'm not destined to have easy books to booksignings but it's so worth it once you get there!