I tried to post last night

but blogger wasn't loading my pics and my post was all pics, LOL. I'm home! It's exhausting spending your days on the beach and your nights at the bar, LOL. I decided to do this first post on the beaches. We stopped in Freeport and Nassau in the Bahamas. The water was so blue and the sand was fine. Kim and I got burned on the first stop but that didn't stop us from going to the beach in Nassau. My back got burned so I just put on sunblock and laid on my back LOL. Kim and high five guy look twice as dark as me, which is so not fair!
This is Tuesday morning docked in Nassau. Not a great photo of Kim and I but this was Freeport so I had to include a shot from there. I couldn't leave the Bahamas without a coconut drink! They walk along the beach and you order it from a guy who will crack open the coconut right there. It came with 2 refills since the coconut doesn't hold a lot but we left before my refills. I had a pina colada. I also ate the coconut from the top part of my drink. If he would have come back around I would have had him scoop out the rest of the meat. It was the most fun part of the drink for me, LOL. And finally a pic of me on the beach because I know you want it LOL.

OOPs, looking at what I thought was Freeport was Nassau because I have the same suit on. I tried to upload more pics but blogger is being a butt. Will show Freeport tomorrow.
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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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6 Mannions Speak :

Su-hura (Toast on the Side) said...

Welcome back!! You and Kim look FABULOUS!! The beaches look outrageously beautiful! I can practically taste the pina coladas!!

Nes said...

Welcome back! Gads, the pics and everything else you mentioned sounds like heaven! You and Kim are looking great!

Can't wait to hear more...

Lin said...

After all our nagging about sunscreen, you still got burnt LOL
Guess is easily done and hard to avoid! Even so, you both look fab and sounds like had a wonderful time despite the first day burn!

Look forward to more wonderful views (and pics of you without doubt LOL) when blogger decides to stop eating the pics!

Leiha said...

Su, you would have loved it. The beaches were way better then when we were in Cozumel, of course, the could have had something to do with the lack of rain, LOL.

Nes, I'm sure you would have been diving while there. The water was so pretty. I still want to try snorkeling one of these days.

Well I didn't sunscreen my back I wanted to get sun, just not quite that much, LOL. I don't know why posting pics has been such a pain lately but I have persevered. I know, what a relief for my fans, LOL.

NancyB said...

Hum... I used to love Kim, now I see how hot she looks in that bikini top and white skirt and I have decided I hate that skinny little dink! Leiha - Feed that girl some more! LOL
You both look great, the weirest part is while you were all having fun in the sun it was snowing up here in Seattle! Burrrr

Leiha said...

Yeah, I hate her too, LOL!