Su and Nancy's big adventure

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About Leiha

I love to eat and sleep. One thing is more fun to blog about than the other. In between eating and sleeping I love to travel, spend time with my family and talk about myself. :)
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5 Mannions Speak :

NancyB said...

That was a riot!! Thanks for the video Leiha - Su and I deserve our 15 minutes of fame!!

Su and I turned into 12 year olds the minute we arrived. We got in trouble for running in the park twice! We had breakfast at 8:30 and kept meaning to eat but there were no lines so we had to keep riding the rides. We finally HAD to eat when Ms. Nancine had a whiney meltdown because they closed a ride down for five minutes. In my defense it was 4:30!!
We had a great day, and were properly exausted that night. Ready to go again Su?!?

Brenda said...

Love sharing the Disney adventure! Y'all really got in trouble for running in the park?? Really?
And you met Pocahontas & Chip-n-Dale. Looks like you had a blast.

More pics?


Leiha said...

Uh, this is my blog, you don't deserve 15 minutes of fame, more like a minute and a half of fame, LOL.

Dang Brenda! You want more pics, LOL!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to do it again with you, Nancine!!!

Aimee Elizabeth said...

Wow, that looked like a great time!
I love carnival type rides, but I'm SO not getting on if it goes upside-down! Barf city LOL!

I'm jealous you got to meet Chip-n-Dale!